I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework", said Edith Ann. Modern education has reached a stage where to be educated more means to be savages. The over concentration on head undermining the heart has brought the educationalists to stage of disproportioned growth where man almost looks like a beast and confirms it by his acts. To me a way out seems to be really difficult.
The question that haunts me over and over is this; “Is teaching only an intellectual exercise? You say not to use the term teacher because we are only facilitators. True! But what do you facilitate? Is it only the paralysed lessons from your worn out syllabus which lie waiting the last trumpets of the angels of death?
The basic requirement of a teacher is not the degrees but the ability to be human and considerate in this valueless world. One who is not able to impress, how can he impart? Otherwise the age old proverb will come true….. “A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.”
its a sad situation in our higher education centers that the relation between the faculty and the students become worse than ever before. people like me who always had the blessing of being the pupil of ignited minds can do nothing now except pitying the pathetic condition of the teacher student relation that exists in the colleges.........
ReplyDeleteAcha, I think you are generalising and your impressions are coloured by the hue of a few perverted and frustrated minds who cannot bear to see happiness in others. Personally speaking I am a 'teacher' blessed beyond measure with the undying love and affection of my dear 'children' whom I can confidently call mine. I believe that a small kindness is taller than the highest wrong... I believe that all penalties should be only corrective and determined by charity ... I believe that no injury or mistake on the part of a student is beyond the forgiveness of a teacher... I believe that I should be a human being laughing with my students, crying with them,unconditionally accepting them,cracking jokes and taking jokes, healing wounds with the balm of soothing understanding words...in short making them better unselfish human words....and above all remembering what it is like to be young and growing up.
ReplyDeleteI am proud to be a 'teacher'(the moblest of all professions) called to train human souls for an eternal destiny. My dear children, you pass through my classes just once...let me be an instrument of inspiration with my patience,guidance,friendship...my life....hold on to my finger dear child ...let me light up the path of you life so that my life is lighted up with the radiance of your love and faith in me.